Letter 3
From The Journal To Stella by Jonathan Swift

London Sept. 10, Sunday, 1710
I SAT till ten in the evening with Addison and Steele; Steele will certainly lose his Gazetteer's place, all the world detesting his engaging in parties. At ten I went to the coffeehouse, hoping to find Lord Radnor, whom I had not seen. He was there; for an hour and a half we talked treason heartily against the Whigs, their baseness and ingratitude. And I am come home rolling resentments in my mind, and framing schemes of revenge; full of which, (having written down some hints,) I go to bed. I am afraid MD dined at home, because it is Sunday; and there was the little half-pint of wine; for God's sake be good girls, and all will be well. Ben Tooke was with me this morning.

11. Seven morning. I am rising to go to Jervas to finish my picture, and it is shaving day, so good morrow MD; but do not keep me now, for I cannot stay; and pray dine with the dean, but do not lose your money. I long to hear from you.—Ten at night. I sat four hours this morning to Jervas, who has given my picture quite another turn, and now approves it entirely: but we must have the approbation of the town. If I were rich enough, I would get a copy of it, and bring it over. Mr. Addison and I dined together at his lodgings, and I sat with him part of this evening; and I am now come home to write an hour. Patrick observes, that the rabble here are much more inquisitive in politics than in Ireland. Every day we expect changes, and the parliament to be dissolved. Lord Wharton expects every day to be out: he is working like a horse for elections; and, in short, I never saw so great a ferment among all sorts of people.

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12. Today I presented Mr. Ford to the Duke of Ormond; and paid my first visit to Lord President, with whom I had much discourse; but put him always off when he began of Lord Wharton in relation to me, till he urged it: then I said, he knew I never expected any thing from Lord Wharton, and that Lord Wharton knew that I understood it so. He said, that he had written twice to Lord Wharton about me, who both times said nothing at all to that part of his letter. I am advised not to meddle in the affair of the first-fruits till this hurry is a little over, which still depends, and we are all in the dark. Lord President told me he expects every day to be out, and has done so these two months. I protest upon my life, I am heartily weary of this town, and wish I had never stirred.

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15. Today Mr. Addison, Colonel Friend, and I, went to see the million lottery drawn at Guildhall. The jackanapes of blue-coat boys gave themselves such airs in pulling out the tickets, and showed white hands open to the company, to let us see there was no cheat. We dined at a country-house near Chelsea, where Mr. Addison often retires; and tonight at the coffeehouse; we hear Sir Simon Harcourt is made lord keeper; so that now we expect every moment the parliament will be dissolved; but I forgot that this letter will not go in three or four days, and that my news will be stale, which I should therefore put in the last paragraph. Shall I send this letter before I hear from MD, or shall I keep it to lengthen? I have not yet seen Stella's mother, because I will not see Lady Giffard; but I will contrive to get there when Lady Giffard is abroad. I forgot to mark my two former letters; but I remember this is number 3, and I have not yet had number 1 from MD; but I shall by Monday, which I reckon will be just a fortnight after you had my first. I am resolved to bringover a great deal of china. I loved it mightily to day. What shall I bring?

16. Morning. Sir John Holland, comptroller of the household, has sent to desire my acquaintance; I have a mind to refuse him, because he is a Whig, and will, I suppose, be out among the rest; but he is a man of worth and learning. Tell me, do you like this journal way of writing? Is it not tedious and dull?

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18. Today I dined with Mr. Stratford at Mr. Addison's retirement near Chelsea; then came to town; got home early, and began a letter to the Tatler, about the corruptions of style and writing, etc.; and having not heard from you, am resolved this letter shall go tonight. Lord Wharton was sent for to town in mighty haste, by the Duke of Devonshire; they have some project in hand; but it will not do, for every hour we expect a thorough revolution, and that the parliament will be dissolved.

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20. Today I returned my visits to the duke's daughters: the insolent drabs came up to my very mouth to salute me; then I heard the report confirmed of removals; my Lord President Somers; the Duke of Devonshire, lord steward; and Mr. Boyle, secretary of state, are all turned out today. I never remember such bold steps taken by a court: I am almost shocked at it, though I did not care if they were all hanged. We are astonished why the parliament is not yet dissolved, and why they keep a matter of that importance to the last. We shall have a strange winter here between the struggles of a cunning provoked discarded party, and the triumphs of one in power; of both which I shall be an indifferent spectator, and return very peaceably to Ireland, when I have done my part in the affair I am entrusted with, whether it succeeds or not. Tomorrow I change my lodgings in Pall Mall for one in Bury Street, where I suppose I shall continue while I stay in London. If any thing happens tomorrow, I will add it.

Robin's Coffeehouse.—We have great news just now from Spain; Madrid taken and Pampeluna. I am here ever interrupted.

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