Letter 43
From The Journal To Stella by Jonathan Swift


London, March 8, 1711-12.
DID I tell you of a race of rakes, called the Mohocks, that play the devil about this town every night, slit people's noses, and bid them, etc.? Nite sollahs, and rove Pdfr. Nite, MD.

9. I was at court today, and no body invited me to dinner, except one or two, whom I did not care to dine with; so I dined with Mrs. Van. Young Davenant was telling us at court how he was set upon by the Mohocks, and how they ran his chair through with a sword. It is not safe being in the streets at night for them. The Bishop of Salisbury's son is said to be of the gang. They are all Whigs; and a great lady sent to me, to speak to her father and to lord-treasurer, to have a care of them, and to be careful likewise of myself; for she had heard they had malicious intentions against the ministers and their friends. I know not whether there be any thing in this, though others are of the same opinion. The- weather still continues very fine and frosty. I walked in the Park this evening, and came home early to avoid the Mohocks. Lord-treasurer is better. Nite, my own two dealest MD.

10. I went this morning again to see lord-treasurer, who is quite recovered; and I staid till he went out. I dined with a friend in the city, about a little business of printing; but not my own. You must buy a small twopenny pamphlet, called, Law is a Bottomless Pit. 'Tis very prettily written, and there will be a Second Part. * * * * *

12. Here is the D — and all to do with these Mohocks. Grub Street papers about them fly like lightning, and a list printed of near eighty put into several prisons, and all a lie; and I begin almost to think there is no truth, or very little, in the whole story. He that abused Davenant was a drunken gentleman; none of that gang. My man tells me that one of the lodgers heard in a coffee-house, publicly, that one design of the Mohocks was upon me, if they could catch me. And though I believe nothing of it, yet I forbear walking late, and they have put me to the charge of some shillings already. I dined today with lord-treasurer and two gentlemen of the Highlands of Scotland, yet very polite men. I sat there till nine, and then went to Lord Masham's, where lord-treasurer followed me, and we sat till twelve; and I came home in a chair for fear of the Mohocks, and I have given him warning of it too. Little Harrison, whom I sent to Holland, is now actually made Queen's secretary at the Hague. It will be in the Gazette tomorrow. It is worth twelve hundred pounds a year.

Here is a young fellow has writ some Sea Eclogues, Poems of Mermen, resembling pastorals of shepherds, and they are very pretty, and the thought is new. Mermen are he-mermaids; Tritons, native of the sea; do you understand me? I think to recommend him to our society tomorrow. His name is Diaper. Plague on him, I must do something for him, and get him out of the way. I hate to have any new wits rise, but when they do rise I would encourage them; but they tread on our heels and thrust us off the stage. Nite, dealest MD. * * * *

I missed the secretary, and then walked to Chelsea to dine with the Dean of Christchurch, who was engaged to Lord Orrery with some other Christchurch-men. He made me go with him whether I would or not, for they have this long time admitted me a Christchurchman. Lord Orrery, generally every winter, gives his old acquaintance of that college a dinner. There were nine clergymen at table, and four laymen. The dean and I soon left them, and after a visit or two, I went to Lord Masham's, and lord-treasurer, Arbuthnot and I sat till twelve. And now I am come home and got tobed. I came a-foot, but had my man with me. Lord-treasurer advised me not to go in a chair, because the Mohocks insult chairs more than they do those on foot. They think there is some mischievous design in those villains. Several of them, lord-treasurer told me, are) actually taken up. I heard, at dinner, that one of them was killed last night. *******

22. I will immediately seal up this, and tary it in my pottick till evening, and zen put it in ze post. * * Farewell, dealest deal MD, and rove Pdfr dearly dearly. Farewell MD.