Note 062
From Chapter 36 of the Decline & Fall

The naval war of Genseric is described by Priscus (Excerpta Legation. p. 42 [p. 157, ed. Bonn]), Procopius (de Bell. Vandal. 1. i. c. 5, p. 189, 190, and c. 22, p. 228 [tom. i. p. 332, sqq., and p. 399, ed. Bonn]), Victor Vitensis (de Persecut. Vandal. 1. i. c. 17, and Ruinart, p. 467-481), and in the three panegyrics of Sidonius, whose chronological order is absurdly transposed in the editions both of Savaron and Sirmond. (Avit. Carm. vii 441-451. Majorian. Carm. v. 327-350, 385-440 Anthem. Carm. ii. 348-386.) In one passage the poet seems inspired by his subject, and expresses a strong idea by a lively image:-

__Hinc Vandalus hostis
Urget; et in nostrum numerosa classe quotannis
Militat excidium; conversoque ordine fati
Torrida Caucaseos infert mihi Byrsa furores. [Carm. ii 347.]