Note 061
From Chapter 36 of the Decline & Fall

Greg. Turon. 1. ii. c. 12, in tom. ii. p. 168. The Pere Daniel, whose ideas were superficial and modern, has started some objections against the story of Childeric (Hist. de France, tom. i. Preface Historique, p. lxxviii. etc.); but they have been fairly satisfied by Dubos (Hist. Critique, tom. i. p. 460-510), and by two authors who disputed the prize of the Academy of Soissons (p. 131-177, 310-339). With regard to the term of Childeric's exile, it is necessary either to prolong the life of Aegidius beyond the date assigned by the Chronicle of Idatius, or to correct the text of Gregory, by reading 'quarto' anno, instead of 'octavo'.