Scope Of Chapter 25
IN The West from The Decline And Fall

The Government and Death of Jovian–Election of Valentinian, who Associates His Brother Valens, and Makes the Final Division of the Eastern and Western Empires–Revolt of Procopius
Civil and Ecclesiastical Administration
GermanyBritainAfricaThe EastThe Danube
Death of Valentinian–His Two Sons, Gratian & Valentinian II, Succeed to the Western Empire

363State of the Church
Jovian proclaims universal Toleration
His Progress from Antioch
364Jovian, with his infant Son,; assumes the Name and Ensigns of the Consulship
Death of Jovian – Vacancy of the Throne
Election & Character of Valentinian
He is acknowledged by the Army
Associates his Brother Valens
Final Division of Eastern & Western Empire
365Revolt of Procopius
366His Defeat and Death
373Severe Inquisition into the Crime of Magic at Rome and Antioch
364-75Cruelty of Valentinian and Valens
Their Laws and Government
Valentinian maintains Religious Toleration
367-78Valens professes Arianism, and persecutes the Catholics
373Death of Athanasius
Just Idea of the Persecution of Valens
370Valentinian restrains the Avarice of the Clergy
366-84Ambition and Luxury of Damasus, Bishop of Rome
364-75 Foreign Wars
3651 GERMANY –The Alemanni Invade Gaul
366Their Defeat
368Valentinian passes and fortifies the Rhine
2 BRITAIN –The Scots & Picts
343-66Their Invasion of Britain
367-70Restoration of Britain by Theodosius
3663 AFRICA –Tyranny of Romanus
372 Revolt of Firmus
373 Theodosius recovers Africa
376 He is executed at Carthage–State of Africa
365-784 THE EAST – The Persian War
384Treaty of Peace
Adventures of Para, King of Armenia
5 THE DANUBE –Conquests of Hermanric
366Cause of the Gothic War
367–69Hostilities, and Peace
374 War of the Quadi and Sarmatians
375Expedition of Valentinian– His Death
Emperors Gratian & Valentinian II.