Scope Of Chapter 26
In The West from The Decline And Fall

Manners of the Pastoral Nations—Progress of the Huns from China to Europe—Flight of the Goths
They Pass the Danube— Gothic War— Defeat and Death of Valens—Gratian Invests Theodosius with the Eastern Empire—His Character and Success
Peace and Settlement of the Goths

376Huns and Goths
Pastoral Manners of the Scythians or Tartars
Situation & Extent of Scythia or Tartary
Original Seat of the Huns
Their Conquests in Scythia
201 B.C. Their Wars with the Chinese
141-87 B.C. Decline and Fall of the Huns
100 Their Emigrations; White Huns of Sogdiana
Huns of the Volga
Their Conquest of the Alani
375 Their Victories over the Goths
376Goths implore the Protection of Valens
Are transported over the Danube into the Roman Empire; Their Distress & Discontent
Revolt of the Goths in Maesia & their first Victories; They penetrate into Thrace
377 Operations of the Gothic War
Union of Goths & Huns, Alani, etc.
378Victory of Gratian over the Alemanni
Valens marches against the Goths
Battle of Hadrianople; Defeat of the Romans
Death of Valens
Funeral Oration of Valens and his Army
Goths besiege Hadrianople
378,9 They ravage the Roman Provinces
378 Massacre of the Gothic Youth in Asia
379Emperor Gratian invests Theodosius with the Empire of the East
Birth and Character of Theodosius
379-82 His prudent & successful Conduct of Gothic War
Divisions, Defeat & Submission of Goths
381Death & Funeral of Athanaric
386 Invasion & Defeat of the Gruthungi, or Ostrogoths
383-95 Settlement of Goths in Thrace & Asia
Their hostile Sentiments