Scope Of Chapter 11 Fall in The West Of The Roman Empire

Reign of Claudius — Defeat of the Goths
Victories, Triumph & Death of Aurelian

268Aureolus invades Italy, is defeated, & besieged at Milan; Death of Gallienus; Character & Elevation of the Emperor Claudius; Death of Aureolus; Clemency & Justice of Claudius; He undertakes the Reformation of the Army
269The Goths invade the Empire
Distress & Firmness of Claudius
His Victory over the Goths
270Death of the Emperor, who Recommends Aurelian for his Successor; The attempt & Fall of Quintilius; Origin & Services of Aurelian; Aurelian's successful Reign; His Severe Discipline; He concludes a Treaty with the Goths; He resigns to them the Province of Dacia; Alemannic War; Alemanni invade Italy; vanquished by Aurelian
271Superstitious Ceremonies; Fortifications of Rome; Aurelian suppresses the two Usurpers; Succession of Usurpers in Gaul
Reign & Defeat of Tetricus
272Character of Zenobia; Her Beauty & Learning; Her Valour; She revenges her Husband's Death; She reigns over the East & Egypt; The Expedition of Aurelian; The Emperor defeats the Palmyrenians in the Battles of Antioch & Emesa; The State of Palmyra; It is besieged by Aurelian
273Aurelian becomes Master of Zenobia, & of the City; Behaviour of Zenobia; Rebellion & Ruin of Palmyra; Aurelian suppresses the Rebellion of Firmus in Egypt
274Triumph of Aurelian; His Treatment of Tetricus & Zenobia; His Magnificence & Devotion; He suppresses a Sedition at Rome; Observations upon it; Cruelty of Aurelian
275Aurelian marches into the East, and is Assassinated