Scope Of Chapter 12
From Fall in The West Of The Roman Empire

Conduct of the army and senate after the death of Aurelian. Reigns of Tacitus, Probus, and Carus, and his sons. Extraordinary Contest between the Army and the Senate for the Choice of an Emperor

275Peaceful Interregnum of 8 Months; Consul Assembles Senate; Character of Tacitus, Elected Emperor, accepts the Purple; Authority of Senate; Their Joy and Confidence
276Tacitus is acknowledged by the Army; Alani invade Asia, repulsed by Tacitus; Death of Emperor Tacitus; Usurpation & Death of his Brother Florianus, Family Subsists in Obscurity; Character & Elevation of the Emperor Probus; His Respectful Conduct towards the Senate
Victories of Probus over the Barbarians
277Delivers Gaul from Invasion by Germans; carries his Arms into Germany; builds a Wall from Rhine to Danube; Introduction & Settlement of Barbarians
Daring Enterprise of the Franks
279Revolt of Saturninus in the East
280Revolt of Bonosus and Proculus in Gaul
281 Triumph of the Emperor Probus
His Discipline
282His Death; Election and Character of Carus; The Sentiments of the Senate and People; Carus defeats the Sarmatians, and marches into the East
283He gives Audience to the Persian Ambassadors; His Victories, and extraordinary Death; He is succeeded by his two Sons, Carinus & Numerian
284Vices of Carinus; He celebrates the Roman Games; Spectacles of Rome; The Amphitheatre; Return of Numerian with the Army from Persia
Death of Numerian
284Election of the Emperor Diocletian
285Defeat and Death of Carinus