From Arnold Bennet (1867-1931) by Frank Swinnerton

(Place of publication London, unless stated otherwise.)

A Select Bibliography
Collected Editions
Separate Works
Some Critical and Biographical Studies

A Select Bibliography


ARNOLD BENNETT, by G. Lafourcade (1939) —these two critical studies contain short bibliographical check-lists, the second giving particulars not otherwise available.

Collected Editions



THE PENGUIN ARNOLD BENNETT (1954). Six volumes, ANNA OF THE FIVE TOWNS, THE GRAND BABYLON HOTEL, RICEYMAN STEPS, THE OLD WIVES TALE, CLAYHANGER, and a selection from Bennett's JOURNAL, each with an Introduction by F. Swinnerton.

Separate Works

A MAN FROM THE NORTH (1898). Novel.


POLITE FARCES FOR THE DRAWING ROOM (1900). Drama. Contains: 'The Stepmother', 'A Good Woman', 'A Question of Sex', afterwards published separately in a series called Repertory Plays.

FAME AND FICTION (1901). Criticism.

THE GRAND BABYLON HOTEL (1902). Novel —published in the United States under the title T. RACKSOLE AND DAUGHTER. First of the humorous and sensational novels to which Bennett gave the description 'Fantasias'. They were written to be printed in instalments as serial stories for popular journals, and were sold outright to Tillotson's Newspaper Syndicate.


THE GATES OF WRATH (1903). Novel —one of the 'Fantasias'.

THE TRUTH ABOUT AN AUTHOR (1903). Autobiography —published anonymously after serialization in The Academy.

HOW TO BECOME AN AUTHOR: A Practical Guide (1903).

LEONORA: A Novel. (1903). Novel.

A GREAT MAN: A Frolic (1904). Novel.

TERESA OF WATLING STREET (1904). Novel —one of the 'Fantasias'.

TALES OF THE FIVE TOWNS (1905). Short Stories. Contains: 'His Worship the Goosedriver', 'The Elixir of Youth', 'Mary with the High Hand', 'The Dog', 'A Feud', 'Phantom', 'Tiddy-gol-lor, 'The Idiot', 'The Hungarian Rhapsody', 'The Sisters Quita', 'Nocturne at the Majestic', 'Clarice of the Autumn Concerts', 'A Letter Home' (Bennett's first short story, originally published in The Yellow Book).

THE LOOT OF CITIES: Being the Adventure of a Millionaire in Search of Joy (1905). Short Stories.

SACRED AND PROFANE LOVE: A Novel in Three Episodes (1905) —published in the United States under the title THE BOOK OF CARLOTTA ( 1911)

HUGO: A Fantasia on Modern Themes (1906). Novel.


THE SINEWS OF WAR (1906). Novel —in collaboration with Eden Phillpotts. Published in the United States under the title DOUBLOONS.

THE GHOST (1907). Novel —the first of the 'Fantasias' to be written. Serialized in 1899 as 'For Love and Life'.

THE REASONABLE LIFE (1907) —reprinted as MENTAL EFFICIENCY. First of the short books of advice on self-help which the publishers called 'Arnold Bennett's Pocket Philosophies'. Composed of sets of articles, the Savoir Vivre Papers, etc. contributed to TP.'s Weekly.

THE GRIM SMILE OF THE FIVE TOWNS (1907). Short Stories. Contains: 'The Lion's Share', 'Baby's Bath', 'The Silent Brothers', 'The nineteenth Hat', 'Vera's First Christmas Adventure', 'The Murder of the Mandarin', 'Vera's Second Christmas Adventure', 'The Burglary', 'News of the Engagement', 'Begining the New Year', 'From One Generation to Another', 'The Death of Simon Fuge', 'in a New Bottle'.

THE CITY OF PLEASURE: A Fantasia on Modern Themes (1907). Novel.

THE STATUE (1908). Novel. —in collaboration with Eden Philpotts.

HOW TO LIVE ON TWENTY-FOUR HOURS A DAY (1908) —a 'Pocket Philosophy'.

BURIED ALIVE (1908). Novel.

THE OLD WIVES TALE: A Novel (1908). Novel.

CUPID AND COMMONSENSE (1908). Drama. —a dramatisation of ANNA OF THE FIVE TOWNS.

THE HUMAN MACHINE (1909) —a 'Pocket Philosophy'.

WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS (1909). Drama —first published as a supplement to 'The English Review.

LITERARY TASTE, How to Form it; with Instructions for Collecting a Complete Library of English Literature (1909).

THE GLIMPSE (1909). Novel

HELEN WITH THE HIGH HAND (1910). Novel — serialized as 'The Miser's Niece'.

CLAYHANGER (1900). Novel —the first volume of a trilogy afterwards collected in one volume as THE CLAYHANGER FAMILY (1925).

THE CARD: A Story of Adventure in the Five Towns (1911). Novel —serialized, and published in the United States, under the title DENRY THE AUDACIOUS.

HILDA LESSWAYS (1911). Novel —a sequel to CLAYHANGER.

THE HONEYMOON (1910). Drama.

THE FEAST OF ST FRIEND(1911) -One of the 'pocket philosophies';on Christmas. Published in the United States and in later British editions under the title FRIENDSHIP AND HAPPINESS

THE MATADOR OF THE FIVE TOWNS (1912). Short Stories. Contains: 'The Matador of the Five Towns', 'Mimi', 'The Supreme Illusion', 'The Letter and the Lie', 'The Glimpse' (first draft of the novel of that name), 'Jock-at-a-Venture', 'The Heroism of Thomas Chadwick', 'Under the Clock', 'Three Episodes in the Life of Mr. Cowlishaw, Dentist', 'Catching the Train', 'The Widow of the Balcony', 'The Cat and Cupid', 'The Fortune-Teller', 'The Long-lost Uncle', 'The Tight Hand', 'Why the Clock Stopped', 'Hot Potatoes', 'Half-a-Sovereign', 'The Blue Suit', 'The Tiger and the Baby', 'The Revolver', 'An Unfair Advantage'.

MILESTONES (1912). Drama —in collaboration with Edward Knoblodk.

THOSE UNITED STATES (1912). Commentary —published in the United States under the title YOUR UNITED STATES.

THE REGENT: A Five Towns Story of Adventure in London (1913). Novel —published in the United States under the tide THE OLD ADAM.

THE PLAIN MAN AND HIS WIFE (1913) —one of the 'Pocket Philosophies'. Published in the United States under the title MARRIED LIFE.

PARIS NIGHTS: And Other Impressions of Places and People (1913). Descriptive and Social Essays. Contains: 'Paris Nights (1910)', 'Life in London (1911)', 'Italy (1910), The Riviera (1907), Fontainebleau (1904-1909), 'Switzerland (1909-1911)', 'England Again (1907)', 'The Midlands (1910-1911)', 'The British Home (1908)', 'Streets, Roads and Trains (1907-1909)'. With illustrations by E. A. Rickards, F.R.I.B.A.

THE PRICE OF LOVE (1914). Novel.

THE AUTHOR S CRAFT (1914). Criticism.

LIBERTY: A Statement of the British Case (1914). Political —discussion of the causes of the First World War.

FROM THE LOG OF THE VELSA (New York, 1914). Travel Sketches. Contents: 'Holland', 'The Baltic', 'Copenhagen', 'On the French and Flemish Coasts', 'East Anglian Estuaries'. English edition not published until 1920. With frontispiece in colour by the Author and many illustrations by E. A. Rickards.

OVER THERE: War Scenes on the Western Front (1915). Descriptive Sketches.

THESE TWAIN (1916) . Novel —third and concluding volume of the trilogy afterwards published in 1925 as an omnibus volume called THE CLAYHANGER FAMILY.

THE LION'S SHARE (1916). Novel.

BOOKS AND PERSONS: Being Comments on a Past Epoch: 1908—II (1917). Essays —reprinted causeries first published in 'The New Age' in the years indicated, under the pseudonym 'Jacob Tonson'.

THE PRETTY LADY: A Novel. (1918). Novel.

THE TITLE: A Comedy in Three Acts (1918). Drama.

SELF AND SELF-MANAGEMENT (1918). Essay —one of the 'Pocket Philosophies'.

THE ROLL CALL (1918). Novel.

SACRED AND PROFANE LOVE: A Play in Four Acts (1919). Drama —founded upon the novel of the same name.

JUDITH: A Play in Three Acts (1919). Drama —founded on the Apocryphal Book of 'Judith'.

OUR WOMEN: Chapters on Sex-Discord (1920). Essay.

THINGS THAT HAVE INTERESTED ME (1921). Essays —Bennett had printed privately in 1906, 1907, and 1908 three series of THINGS THAT INTERESTED ME or THINGS WHICH HAVE INTERESTED ME; but those are quite distinct from the three series of which this is the first.

MR. PROHACK (1922). Novel.

BODY AND SOUL: A Play in Four Acts (1922). Drama.

THE LOVE MATCH: A Play in Five Scenes (1922). Drama.

LILIAN (1922). Novel.

THINGS THAT HAVE INTERESTED ME: Second Series(1923) Essays

HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OF LIFE(1923) Essay -one of the pocket philosophies.


RICEYMAN STEPS (1923). Novel.

LONDON LIFE (1924). Drama —in collaboration with Edward Knoblock.

THE BRIGHT ISLAND (1924). Drama.

ELSIE AND THE CHILD: A Tale of Riceyman Steps and Other Stories (1924). Short Stories. Contains: 'Elsie and the Child', 'During Dinner', 'The Paper Cap', 'The Box-office Girl', 'Mr. Jack Hollins against Fate', 'Nine o'Clock Tomorrow', 'The Yacht', 'Outside and Inside', 'Last Love', 'The Mysterious Destruction of Mr. Ipple', 'The Perfect Creature', 'The Fish', 'The Limits of Dominion'.

THINGS THAT HAVE INTERESTED ME: Third Series (1926). Essays.

LORD RAINGO (1926). Novel.

THE WOMAN WHO STOLE EVERYTHING and Other Stories (1927). Short Stories. Contains: 'The Woman Who Stole Everything', 'A Place in Venice', 'The Toreador', 'Middle-Aged', 'The Umbrella', 'House to Let', 'Claribel', 'Time to Think', 'One of Their Quarrels', 'What I Have Said I Have Said', 'Death, Fire and Life', 'The Epidemic', 'A Very Romantic Affair'.

MR. PROHACK: A Comedy in Three Acts (1927). Drama—in collaboration with Edward Knoblock. Dramatization of the novel of the same name published in 1922.

THE STRANGE VANGUARD: A Fantasia (1928). Novel —published in the United States under the title THE VANGUARD.

MEDITERRANEAN SCENES: Rome, Greece, Constantinople (1928). Travel Sketches —the edition, with collotype illustrations reproducing photographs of architecture, statuary, and paintings, was limited to 1,000 copies.

THE SAVOUR OF LIFE: Essays in Gusto (1928). Essays —reprinted articles, some of them discussions of new books contributed to The Evening Standard.

ACCIDENT (1929). Novel.

PICCADILLY (1929). Film Scenario.

THE RELIGIOUS INTERREGNUM (1929). Essay —a contribution to a series of booklets called 'Affirmations'.

JUDITH: An Opera In One Act (1929). Libretto —a version of his play, with music by Eugene Goossens.

JOURNAL, 1929 (1930).

IMPERIAL PALACE (1930). Novel.

THE NIGHT VISITOR and Other Stories (1931). Short Stories. Contains: 'The Night Visitor', 'The Cornet-Player', 'Murder', 'The Hat', 'Under the Hammer' ,'The Wind', 'Honour', 'The First Night', 'The Seven Policemen', 'Myrtle at 6 a.m.', 'Strange Affair at an Hotel', 'The Second Night', 'The Understudy', 'The Peacock', 'Dream', 'Baccarat', 'The Mouse and the Cat'.

VENUS RISING FROM THE SEA (1931). Short Story —with illustrations by McKnight Kauffer.

THE JOURNALS OF ARNOLD BENNETT, 1896—1931. Edited by Newman Flower. 3 vols. (1932-3).

DREAM OF DESTINY: An Unfinished Novel and VENUS RISING FROM THE SEA (1932). Novel and Short Story.

THE SNAKE CHARMER (1933). Drama —included in a volume of one-act plays by several authors. FLORA A Play (1933)- Drama-

Some Critical and Biographical Studies

ARNOLD BENNETT by F. J. Harvey Darton (1915) —the first critical study of Bennett's work, valuable as a confident provisional estimate of a man who was still in mid-career.

MY ARNOLD BENNETT, by Marguerite His Wife (1931) —a series of personal memories, with a character-study of Bennett as a temperamental genius.

THE PROBLEM OF ARNOLD BENNETT, by G. West (1932). 'A.B': . . . A Minor Marginal Note. By Pauline Smith (1933) —the delightful sketch of a benevolent friend, written by a sensitive South African and short story writer who owed Bennett vital encouragement and affectionate interest.

ARNOLD BENNETT: A Portrait Done at Home, by Dorothy Cheston Bennett (1935)-Contains also 172 Letters from Arnold Bennett to D.C.B. A further series of personal memories: the letters highly characteristic.