Note 015
From Chapter 45 of the Decline & Fall

The charge of the deacon against Narses (l. ii. c. 5) may be groundless; but the weak apology of the Cardinal (Baron. Annal Eccles. A.D. 567, No. 8 - 12) is rejected by the best critics - Pagi (tom. ii. p. 639, 640,) Muratori, (Annali d' Italia, tom. v. p. 160 - 163,) and the last editors, Horatius Blancus, (Script. Rerum Italic. tom. i. p. 427, 428,) and Philip Argelatus, (Sigon. Opera, tom. ii. p. 11, 12.) The Narses who assisted at the coronation of Justin (Corippus, l. iii. 221) is clearly understood to be a different person.