The text appears to allow for the largest vessels 50,000 medimni, or 3000 tons, (since the medimnus
weighed 160 Roman, or 120 avoirdupois, pounds.) I have given
a more rational interpretation, by supposing that the Attic
style of Procopius conceals the legal and popular modius, a
sixth part of the medimnus, (Hooper's Ancient Measures, p.
152, etc.) A contrary and indeed a stranger mistake has crept into an oration of Dinarchus, (contra Demosthenem, in Reiske Orator. Graec tom iv. P. ii. p. 34.) By reducing the number of ships from 500 to 50, and translating by mines, or pounds, Cousin has generously allowed 500 tons for the whole of the Imperial fleet! Did he never think?