Note 101
From Chapter 31 of the Decline & Fall

Jerom (tom. i. p. 121, ad Principiam [Ep. cxxvii. tom. i. p. 953, ed. Vallars.]) has applied to the sack of Rome all the strong expressions of Virgil:-

Quis cladem illius noctis, quis funera fando
Explicet, etc.

Procopius (1. i. c. 2 [tom. i. p. 316, ed. Bonn]) positively affirms that great numbers were slain by the Goths. Augustine (The City of God,1. i. c.12,13) offers Christian comfort for the death of those whose bodies (multa corpora) had remained (in tanta strage) unburied. Baronius, from the different writings of the Fathers, has thrown some light on the sack of Rome. Annal. Eccles. A.D. 410, No. 6-44.