Scope Of Chapter 35
In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall'

Invasion of Gaul by Attila–He Is Repulsed by Aetius and the Visigoths–Attila Invades and Evacuates Italy –The Deaths of Attila, Aetius, Valentinian the Third

450Attila threatens both Empires, and prepares to invade Gaul
435–454 Character & Administration of Aetius
His Connection with the Huns and Alani
419–451 Visigoths in Gaul under the Reign of Theodoric
435–439 Goths besiege Narbonne, etc.
420–451Franks in Gaul under the Merovingian Kings – Adventures of the Princess Honoria
451Attila invades Gaul, and besieges Orleans
Alliance of the Romans and Visigoths
Attila retires to the Plains of Champagne
Battle of Chalons–Retreat of Attila
452 Invasion of Italy by Attila–Foundation of Republic of Venice–Attila gives Peace to Romans
453Death of Attila– Destruction of his Empire
454Valentinian murders the Patrician Aetius
ravishes the Wife of Maximus
455 Death of Valentinian –Symptoms of the Decay and Ruin of the Roman Government