December 20th
'Letters From Miss Jerusha Abbott To 'Daddy-Long-Legs' Smith

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,
I've just a moment, because I must attend two classes, pack a trunk and a suit-case, and catch the four-o'clock train — but I couldn't go without sending a word to let you know how much I appreciate my Christmas box.

I love the furs and the necklace and the Liberty scarf and the gloves and handkerchiefs and books and purse — and most of all I love you! But Daddy, you have no business to spoil me this way. I'm only human — and a girl at that. How can I keep my mind sternly fixed on a studious career, when you deflect me with such worldly frivolities?

I have strong suspicions now as to which one of the John Grier Trustees used to give the Christmas tree and the Sunday ice-cream. He was nameless, but by his works I know him! You deserve to be happy for all the good things you do.

Goodbye, and a very merry Christmas.

Yours always,

PS. I am sending a slight token, too. Do you think you would like her if you knew her?

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