Letter 24
From The Journal To Stella by Jonathan Swift

June 7, 1711.
* * Why, Madame Dingley, the First Fruits are done! Southwell told me they went to inquire about them, and lord-treasurer said they were done, and had been long ago. And I'll tell you a secret you must not mention, that the Duke of Ormond is ordered to take notice of them in his speech to your parliament; and I desire you will take care to say on occasion, that my lord-treasurer Harley did it many months ago, before the Duke was lord-lieutenant. * * * As for the Examiner, I have heard a whisper that after that of this day, which tells what this parliament has done, you will hardly find them so good, I prophesy they will be trash for the future; and methinks in this day's Examiner the author talks doubtfully, as if he would write no more.
