Chronology of Jonathan Swift's Life
(30/11/1667 – 19/10/1745) by H Craik

1668Carried to Whitehaven by his nurse
1671Brought back to Ireland
1673Sent to Kilkenny School
1681Sent to Trinity College, Dublin
1688Death of Swift's uncle, Godwin Swift Joins his mother at Leicester
1689Begins his 1st service with Sir William Temple
1690Returns to Ireland
1691Begins his 2nd service with Temple
1692Admitted M.A. at Oxford Earliest poems (Pindaric Odes, etc.)
1694(May) Quits Sir William Temple's service for the second time (Oct) Ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Kildare
1695(Jan) Ordained Priest, and appointed to the Prebend of Kilroot
1696(May) Begins his third residence with Temple, at Moor Park
1697(Dec) Resigns the living of Kilroot Battle of the Books chiefly written.
1698(January 27th) Death of Temple
1699Swift returns to Ireland, as Chaplain to Lord Berkeley
1700(February) Vicar of Laracor
1701 Became D.D, of Trinity College Returns to England Dissensions at Athens and Rome Stella settles in Ireland, where Swift follows at end of the year
1702 (March) Death of William III. (April to October) Swift visits England
1703(November) Again in England
1704 Publication of the Tale of a Tub and Battle of the Books Returns to Laracor (August) Victory of Blenheim
1705(April) Visit to England, to press claim of First Fruits for Irish Church
1706(May) Victory of Ramillies
1707 (November) Swift again returns to England, to renew struggle for First Fruits
1708(Feb) Dismissal of Harley from Whig Ministry Victory of Oudenarde (October) Death of Prince George Lord Wharton appointed Governor of Ireland (Addison made Chief Secretary) Letter on the Sacramental Test, Argument against Abolishing Christianity, Project for the Advancement of Religion, Sentiments of a Church of England Man Predictions for the year 1708 (Bickerstaff) Acquaintance with Hester Vanhomrigh (Vanessa)
1709(July) Swift returns to Laracor Overtures for Peace from Louis XIV. (Nov. 5th) Sacheverell's sermon against the Whig Ministry
1710(Feb) Prosecution of Sacheverell (May) Death of Swift's mother (Aug) Harley made Chancellor of Exchequer (Sept) Swift returns to England (October) His introduction to Harley, and breach with the Whigs
1711Sid Hamet's Rod (lampoon on Godolphin) Writing in Examiner (March) Harley wounded by Guiscard (May) Harley made Lord Treasurer, and created Earl of Oxford (October) Conduct of the Allies (December) Dismissal of Marlborough
1712(January) Visit of Prince Eugene to England Letter to the October Club (July) St. John created Viscount Bolingbroke (August) Suspension of hostilities and beginning of peace negotiations (November) Death of Duke of Hamilton in duel with Lord Mohun
1713(April) Peace signed at Utrecht Appointed Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin (June) Returns to Ireland (July) Dissensions between Oxford and Bolingbroke (September) Swift returns to England (December) Importance of the Guardian (Attack on Steele)
1714 Plan of Scriblerus Club (May) Swift quits London (July) Oxford dismissed (Aug) Death of Queen Anne Fall of Tory Ministry
Swift in retirement Cadenus and Vanessa
1716 Marriage with Stella
1720 Swift's appearance as Irish Patriot The Universal use of Irish Manufactures
1722 Patent for copper coinage granted to Wood
1723 1st Drapier's Letter; Death of Vanessa
1724 Lord Carteret appointed Governor of Ireland (August) 2nd and 3rd Drapier's Letters (October) 4th Drapier's Letter Prosecution of Harding, the printer (November) Bill against Harding thrown out by Grand Jury (December) 5th Drapier's Letter Dr. Boulter appointed Primate of Ireland
1726Swift visits England Meeting with Walpole Gulliver's Travels
1727 (April) Swift's last visit to England (June) Death of George I
1728 (January) Death of Stella Publication of the Beggar's Opera Publication of the Dunciad, Death of Congreve
1729 A Modest Proposal, etc. Answer to the Craftsman
1731Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift
1733Rhapsody on Poetry
1735Faulkner's Edition of Swift's Works Death of Arbuthnot Four Last Years of the Queen
1736The Legion Club
1740Swift's last letter
1741Guardian appointed for Swift by Court of Chancery
1742Last brain seizure, leaving Swift in helpless idiocy