From 'Vocabulary' part of The ABC Of Plain Words by Sir E Gowers (1951)

(i) Be sparing of very. If the word is used too freely it ceases to have any meaning; it must be used with discrimination to be effective. See Adverbs.

(ii) One of the most popular objects of the chase among amateur hunters of so-called grammatical mistakes used to be very with a past participle — "very pleased" for instance. It is true that very cannot be used grammatically with a past participle — that one cannot for instance say "The effect was very enhanced"; we must say much or greatly. But when the participle is no longer serving as a verb, and has become in effect an adjective, it is legitimate to use very with it as with any other adjective. There can be no objection to "very pleased", which means no more than "very glad", or to "very annoyed", which means no more than "very angry". But it will not do to say "very inconvenienced" or "very removed", and in between are doubtful cases where it will be as well to be on the safe side and refrain from very.