From 'Vocabulary' part of The ABC Of Plain Words by Sir E Gowers (1951)

Official prose is made unnecessarily ugly by a shyness of pronouns. Instead of using them, writers are given to repeating the noun, often embroidered by such.

If you owe debts to French concerns it is necessary for you to report such debts to the Department.... (them)

This "such" disease, endemic in the civil service, is due to infection by legal English. There, this use of "such" is not a disease, but an indispensable device for securing economy of words. The draftsman, whose concern is to make his meaning certain beyond the possibility of error, first defines the sense in which he is using a word, and afterwards, when he has to use it again in the same sense, puts such before it, or surrounds it with such . . . as aforesaid, so that he need not repeat the definition. There is no reason for the official to be so punctilious.

But using such in the way the lawyers use it is not always out of place in ordinary writing. Sometimes it is proper and useful.

One month's notice in writing must be given to terminate this agreement. As no such notice has been received from you ...

Here it is important for the writer to make it clear that in the second sentence he is referring to the same sort of notice as in the first, and the such device is the neatest way of doing it.

As such is sometimes used in a way that seems to have no meaning:

The statistics, as such, add little to our information.

If they do not do so as statistics, in what capacity do they? The writer probably meant "by themselves".