Note 138
From Chapter 47 of the Decline & Fall

I find a description and history of the Maronites in the Voyage de la Syrie et du Mont Liban par la Roque, (2 vols. in 12mo., Amsterdam, 1723; particularly tom. i. p. 42 - 47, p. 174 - 184, tom. ii. p. 10 - 120.) In the ancient part, he copies the prejudices of Nairon and the other Maronites of Rome, which Assemannus is afraid to renounce and ashamed to support. Jablonski, (Institut. Hist. Christ. tom. iii. p. 186.) Niebuhr, (Voyage de l'Arabie, etc., tom. ii. p. 346, 370 - 381,) and, above all, the judicious Volney, (Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie, tom. ii. p. 8 - 31, Paris, 1787,) may be consulted.