Scope Of Chapter 8
Fall In The WestThe Decline & Fall Of The Roman Empire

Of the state of Persia after the restoration of the monarchy by Artaxerxes; Barbarians of East & North, Revolutions of Asia, Persian Monarchy restored by Artaxerxes, Reformation of the Magian Religion, Persian Theology, two Principles, Religious Worship, Ceremonies & moral Precepts, Encouragement of Agriculture, Power of the Magi, Spirit of Persecution, Establishment of the Royal Authority in the Provinces, Extent & Population of Persia, Recapitulation of the War between the Parthian & Roman Empires, Cities of Seleucia & Ctesiphon

216Conquest of Osrhoene by the Romans
230Artaxerxes claims the Provinces of Asia, and declares War against the Romans
233 Pretended Victory of Alexander Severus
More probable Account of the War
240 Character and Maxims of Artaxerxes; Military Power of the Persians
Infantry contemptible, Cavalry excellent