Scope Of Chapter 32
In The West – from 'The Decline And Fall'

Arcadius Emperor of the East–Administration and Disgrace of Eutropius–Revolt of Gainas–Persecution of St. John Chrysostom–Theodosius II. Emperor of the East–His Sister Pulcheria–His Wife Eudocia
The Persian War & Division of Armenia

395-1453Empire of the East
395-408 Reign of Arcadius
Administration & Character of Eutropius
His Venality & Injustice
Ruin of Abundantius
Destruction of Timasius
397 Cruel & unjust Law of Treason
399 Rebellion of Tribigild; Fall of Eutropius
400 Conspiracy & Fall of Gainas
398 Election & Merit of St. John Chrysostom
398-403His Administration & Defects
403Chrysostom persecuted by Empress Eudoxia
Popular Tumults at Constantinople
404 Exile of Chrysostom
407 His Death
438 His Relics transported to Constantinople
408 Death of Arcadius– His supposed Testament
408-485 Administration of Anthemius
Character & Administration of Pulcheria
Education & Character of Theodosius the Younger
421-460Character & Adventures of Empress Eudocia
422 Persian War
431-440 Armenia divided between Persians & Romans