Scope Of Chapter 29
In The West — from 'The Decline And Fall'

Final Division of the Roman Empire
— between the Sons of Theodosius
Reign of Arcadius and Honorius
Administration of Rufinus and Stilicho
Revolt and Defeat of Gildo in Africa

395 Division of the Empire between Arcadius & Honorius
386-395 Character and Administration of Rufinus
395 He oppresses the East, He is disappointed by the Marriage of Arcadius
Character of Stilicho, the Minister and General of the Western Empire
385-408 His Military Command
395 The Fall and Death of Rufinus
396 Discord of the two Empires
386-398 Revolt of Gildo in Africa
397 He is condemned by the Roman Senate
398The African War, Defeat and Death of Gildo
Marriage and Character of Honorius