Scope Of Chapter 21
In The West From The Decline And Fall

Persecution of heresy–The Schism of the Donatists
The Arian Controversy–Athanasius–Distracted state of the Church & the Empire under Constantine & his sons–Toleration of Paganism

312 African Controversy
315Schism of the Donatists
The Trinitarian Controversy
B.C. 360 The System of Plato – The Logos
B.C. 300 Taught in the School of Alexandria
97 Revealed by the Apostle St. John
The Ebionites and Docetes
Mysterious Nature of the Trinity
Zeal of the Christians; Church Authority
318Heterodox Opinions of Arius
3 Systems of the Trinity:—
325 Council of Nice
The Homoousion, Arian Creeds, Arian Sects
Faith of the Western, or Latin Church
360 Council of Rimini, Conduct of the Emperors in the Arian Controversy
324 Indifference of Constantine
325His Zeal
328-37He persecutes the Arian & Orthodox Party
337-61 Constantius favours the Arians
Arian Councils
Character & Adventures of Athanasius
330 Persecution against Athanasius
336 His first Exile
338 and Restoration
341 His second Exile
349 and second Restoration
351 Resentment of Constantius
353-55 Councils of Arles and Milan
355 Condemnation of Athanasius; Exiles
356Third Expulsion of Athanasius from Alexandria; His Behaviour
356-62 His Retreat; Arian Bishops; Divisions: Rome & Constantinople; Cruelty of the Arians
345,etcRevolt & Fury of Donatist Circumcellions
Religious Suicides
312-61 Character of the Christian Sects; Toleration of Paganism by Constantine & his Sons