Scope Of Chapter 18
Fall in The West From Decline And Fall

Character of Constantine–Gothic War
Death of Constantine
Division of the empire among his three sons
Persian War–Tragic death of Constantine the Younger–Constans Usurpation of Magnetius
Civil War—Victory of Constantius
Character of Constantine–His Virtues
His Vices, His Family—Virtues of Crispus

324Jealousy of Constantine
325 Edict of Constantine
326 Disgrace and Death of Crispus; The Empress Fausta; The Sons and Nephews of Constantine; Their Education
Manners of the Sarmatians
Their Settlement near the Danube
331 The Gothic War
334 Expulsion of the Sarmatians
337 Death and Funeral of Constantine; Factions of the Court; Massacre of the Princes; Division of the Empire
310 Sapor, King of Persia; State of Mesopotamia and Armenia
342 Death of Tiridates
337-360 The Persian War
348 Battle of Singara
338,46,50 Siege of Nisibis
340Civil War, and Death of Constantine
350 Murder of Constans; Magnentius and Vetranio assume the Purple; Constantius refuses to treat; Deposes Vetranio
351 Makes War against Magnentius
Battle of Mursa
352 Conquest of Italy
353 Last Defeat and Death of Magnentius