Scope Of Chapter 14
From Fall in The West

Troubles after abdication of Diocletian
Death of Constantius
Elevation of Constantine & Maxentius
6 emperors at once
Death of Maximian & Galerius
Victories of Constantine over Maxentius & Licinius–Reunion of empire under Constantine


Period of Civil Wars & Confusion; Character & Situation of Constantius – Of Galerius; Two Caesars: Severus & Maximin; Ambition of Galerius disappointed by two Revolutions
274 Birth, Education, & Escape of Constantine
306Death of Constantius & Elevation of Constantine; He is acknowledged by Galerius, who gives him only the Title Caesar, & that of Augustus to Severus; Brothers & Sisters of Constantine; Discontent of the Romans at the Apprehension of Taxes; Maxentius declared Emperor at Rome –Maximian reassumes the Purple
307Defeat & Death of Severus; Maximian gives his Daughter Fausta, & the Title of Augustus, to Constantine; Galerius invades Italy–His Retreat
Elevation of Licinius to the Rank of Augustus – Elevation of Maximin
308 Six Emperors –Misfortunes of Maximian
310 His Death
311 Death of Galerius –His Dominion shared between Maximin & Licinius
306–312 Administration of Constantine Maxentius
Tyranny of Maxentius in Italy & Africa
312Civil War between Constantine & Maxentius; PreparationsConstantine passes the Alps
Battle of Turin – Siege & Battle of Verona
Indolence & Fears of Maxentius–Victory of Constantine–His Reception & conduct at Rome
313 His Alliance with Licinius; War between Maximin & Licinius; Defeat & death of Maximin; Cruelty of Licinius; Fate of the Empress Valeria & her Mother
314 Quarrel between Constantine & Licinius
1st Civil War between them
Battle of Cybalis– of MardiaPeace Treaty
315–323General Peace & Laws of Constantine
322 The Gothic War
3232nd Civil War between Constantine & Licinius; Battle of Hadrianople; Siege of Byzantium and Naval Victory of Crispus
Battle of Chrysopolis
Submission & Death of Licinius
324 Reunion of the Empire