32 State Secretary Reinhardt on the 'early marriage of officials' in an address on 5th June 1937; Dokumente der deutschen Politik, Vol. V. The commentary referred to on the law for the prevention of hereditarily sick offspring comes from Hans F. K. Gunther, Fuhreradel durch Sippenpflege. Gunther was also one of the most energetic advocates of the conversion of marriage registry offices from 'mere places of registration to consultative and family guidance offices' (ibid.). See also Karl Bracher in Bracher, Sauer and Schulz Die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung. In the same framework also belong attempts at creating an 'advanced breeding bank' for the development of biologically-hereditarily suitable offspring; see Emil Vogt, 'Kinderreichtum als Voraussetzung fur den geistigen Hochstand eines Volkes', in Mütter, die uns die Zukunft schenken.