The Age Of Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
The Maxims & Reflections Of Burke selected and edited by F.W. Rafferty

27George II. Sir R. Walpole, First Minister
37Gibbon born
38The Wesleyan Methodist Society
42Sir R. Walpole resigned
45Henry Pelbam's Administration; The Young Pretender's Rising. Swift died
48Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. Bentham born
54Duke of Newcastle's Ministry
57Newcastle and Pitt. Battle ot Plassey
59Wolfe captured Quebec
60George III.
62Bute Prime Minister
63Peace of Paris. George Grenville Prime Minister
64Expulsion of Wilkes
65The American Stamp Act
66Rockingham's Declaratory Act; Repeal of Stamp Act; Grafton (Chatham) Ministry
67Charles Townshend's Excise Act
69 Letters of Junius
70Lord North Prime Minister. Wordsworth born
71Beginning of Parliamentary Reports
74 Boston Port Bill
75Battle of Lexington
76 American Declaration of Independence; Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"
78Death of Chatham
81Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown
82Rockingham's Second Ministry. Shelburne's Ministry
83The coalition Ministry. Pitt's Ministry
84Johnson died
85 Pitt's Irish Proposals
87 Commercial Treaty with France
88 Regency Debate
89 The French Revolution
90 John Howard died
92 The United Irishmen
93 War declared against France. The first Coalition
94Lord Howe's victory. The Reign of Terror
95The Directory established. Carlyle born
96Pitt's Negotiations For Peace
97England alone against France. Mutiny at Spithead & The Nore. Battle of Camperdown