Protein sources have always been in keen demand for feed concentrate ingredients in confinement dairies and feed lot operations in the developed world, where rations demand a 14-18 percent protein concentration. Waste animal protein derived from the rendered down remains of butchered livestock (alongside various plant protein sources) has been used in animal feeding stuffs since the 1920s-surprisingly, with no known ill effects! The BSE outbreak was blamed on changes in Meat and Bone Meal (MBM) manufacturing methods (such as use of lower temperatures and cessation of solvent extraction) and resulted in the substitution of large amounts of processed soy meal, as well as some fish proteins, for cattle feed. In fact, the BSE epidemic has been a boon for soybean growers and manufacturers. Soy has been used for many years as a principle ration for chickens and salmon (both meats allowed in the politically correct modern lowfat diet) but was not normally given in large amounts to ruminant animals because of the damage it inflicted on their livers. Now that MBM is banned in the US and Europe, the multinational-controlled GM soy industry has a large pool of new customers, not only among confinement dairies and large feedlot operations, but also among thousands of new vegetarians, anxious to avoid "mad cow" disease.