The Decay Of Education In The West
From 'The Decline Of Education' by P Atkinson (July 2013)

Articles describing the decay of education in the western world circa 2000. They are set out by country but most of the claims apply to all countries in the western world, and reveal the discarding of proper learning techniques, the teaching of delusion, and the collapse of order in schools.

Unruly Pupils Fenced Off – Standards HAVE Fallen
Violence Disrupts Classes 20122009
Dumb, Immoral Future
Teachers' Grammar Criticized
Teach Your Children To Read
Smart State Dumbs Down —Sapping Education
Classroom Revolution
Easier Exams for A-Level
UK Schools Going Back To Basics
Teachers Lack Basic Grammar
Attack on English by universities
High School Failure — Dumbing Down Our Kids
Dumbing Down of America's Colleges
What's Wrong With Outcome-Based Education?
Zero Tolerance Or Zero Common Sense
Schools We Need and Why We Don't Have Them
Generation X Goes to College
Crisis in the Classroom — Impostors in the Temple
Fall of the Ivory Tower—Inside American Education
ProfScam:The Hollow MenTenured Radicals
Killing the SpiritClosing of the American Heart
Illiberal Education:Understanding the Times
The Book Wars