Absurd 'No Smacking' Guide To School Discipline
Denying Order Is Upheld By Violence

As an Education Adviser at the Mackay Hinterland District Office, I would like to acknowledge that this document was compiled by the Andergrove State School community. – Sandra Quinn

Pupil Welfare and Behaviour Policy
(Teacher's Booklet (1992))

Code Of Conduct
Rules For Outdoor Activities
Rules For The Classroom
Strategies For Improving Behaviour
Levels Of Discipline
Pupils' Rights & Responsibilities
The Welfare Committee
Fast Track Provision
Mentoring Program
Playground Behaviour
Bully Busting
Detailed Discipline Levels

Introduction - from the Principal.
The welfare and development of students at Andergrove State School is of prime importance to parents and teachers alike.

Andergrove State School Welfare and Behaviour Policy outlines a framework designed to educate children in their rights and responsibilities towards others and encourage moral development and self discipline in each child.

It is imperative that each community member at Andergrove State School conducts themselves I a manner which enables all school members to work, play and learn in a positive, safe environment.

I commend to you this Welfare Policy and encourage you to support the strategies and values within it.

Code Of Conduct
As a community member of Andergrove State School I Will:-

  1. Treat all people with courtesy, respect, kindness and co-operation.
  2. Practise good health and safety habits and show self-respect.
  3. Show pride in my work, in my school and its environment.
  4. Try my best at all times.
  5. Be honest at all times.
  6. Be in the right place at the right time.
  7. Be properly dressed and equipped for each day at school.
  8. Respect the right, feelings and property of others.

Rules For Outdoor Activities

  1. Bicycles are not to be ridden in the school grounds or across the crossings.
  2. Children must obey the crossing supervisor and crossing rules at all times.
  3. The school road and parking area are out of bounds to all children.
  4. Problems in the playground must be settled without fighting. If differences can't be settled, ask the teacher on duty for help.
  5. We must always speak kindly to each other. (No putdowns or swearing).
  6. All children playing outside in the sun are to wear a broad brimmed hat.
  7. Children are to remain seated in their set eating areas during their morning break and for the first ten minutes of their lunch break.
  8. Children have the responsibility to place all their litter in the bins provided as well as keeping their class and play areas tidy.
  9. Children are to line up sensibly, wait their turn and use good manners when buying from the tuckshop.
  10. Running on concrete, bitumen or around buildings is extremely dangerous and must be avoided.
  11. All games that involve kicking, batting and throwing balls should be played in open spaces.
  12. Children are allowed on verandahs or in classrooms only when a teacher is present. They must remember to knock before entering a classroom.
  13. All teacher requests are to be acted on immediately.

Rules For The Classroom

  1. All of your equipment (books, pencils etc) are to be brought into the room and organised for the day before the first bell rings.
  2. All children in the classroom have the right to learn, and should be allowed to do this without disruptions from others, all children need to follow teacher's directions.
  3. Always try to do your best work and ask for help if you're having trouble.
  4. Always be honest.
  5. Look after your own belongings and leave other people's property alone, care for community school property.
  6. Act safely; dangerous activities, such as swinging on chairs or throwing objects in the classroom, can cause injuries and are not permitted.
  7. At Assembly or when moving to specialist lessons or going into school, you must move quietly so that you can hear what is being said and you do not disturb others.

Strategies For Improving Behaviour
1. Following Classer's model. Ask the following questions.

2.Following the independent problem solving strategy.

3. Teacher discusses the behaviour, then decides with the wrong doer on a logical punishment. eg throwing pine cones - pick up all the pine cones.

4. Teacher to present role playing opportunities in the classroom which involve cause/effect situations relating to behaviour which may occur in the classroom and in the playground.

Overview Of Levels Of Discipline
Pupils who consistently display behaviours from the Code of Conduct may participate in all school activities and receive School Awards.

They may:-

The Levels (Best to Worst)
LEVEL 0 — All students start at this level. Pupils who remain at this level will develop a good reputation in the school, will justifiably have pride in themselves and be able to participate in all the above activities.

Prior to placement on Level 1 pupils will generally be issued with a Yellow Caution Card. The only penalty being that they must take home to their parents the Yellow Caution Card, which outlines the nature of their misbehaviour and return this card signed by their parents.

If a second breach occurs within a fortnight, then the pupil is issued with a Red Card and moved to Level 1. Red Cards are then issued for each subsequent movement through the Levels. One each occasion that a card (yellow or red) is issued a record will be kept, and the card will be taken home by the pupil, signed by the parent and returned to the school.

The penalties for level 2, 3, 4 will continue from one term to the next. It is possible a student will miss '0' Day during the term of the offence and for the next term. Students on level 1 will return to Level 0 at the start of each term.

LEVEL 1 — Student is causing problems in class or playground and staff have concerns about the behaviour.

LEVEL 2 — The student hasn't responded to the support of staff and even greater concern is being expressed for his/her welfare.

Parents will be notified and improvement strategies for changing behaviour put into place.

LEVEL 3 — The student has failed to respond to all efforts to assist him/her and continued to ignore the rights of other people in the school. Special programs to develop more appropriate behaviour must be undertaken. Parents will receive written notification that their child has moved to this level and will be required to attend a meeting with the welfare Committee to discuss behaviours being displayed.

LEVEL 4 — The student's behaviour is unacceptable and they have been suspended. Parents will be contacted by the Principal or Deputy Principal by letter. The child must agree to greater efforts to improve their behaviour.

LEVEL 5 Worst — The presence of the student in the school is detrimental to the education and welfare of others. They may be suspended for a period or excluded from Andergrove State School and are not permitted to return. Parents and students will be notified of this matter by letter.

Pupils' Rights
1. The right to be treated properly and with consideration at school
2. The right to learn and not have my learning interrupted by others.
3. The right to be safe and for my property to be safe.
4. The right to a healthy and well-maintained school environment.
5. The right to be happy at school.
6. The right to expect the local community to support, respect and have pride in my school.
Pupils' responsibilities
1. The responsibility to treat others properly and with consideration at school.
2. The responsibility to learn to the best of my ability and not to interfere with the learning of others.
3. The responsibility not to threaten the safety of others or to interfere with their property.
4. The responsibility to keep the school a clean and healthy place by not littering or vandalising.
5. The responsibility not to make others unhappy at school.
6. The responsibility to behave so that the community will respect the school.

The Welfare Committee
The welfare committee consists of three (3) members of staff, including one Executive member, elected by the whole staff for the period of one term. The committee meets regularly to review the current status of children at risk and, on need, when the occasion arises. The committee confirms children who are on Level 2 and above and assists in organising rehabilitation schemes where necessary. The committee recommends the Suspension of Pupils to the Principal, in accordance with the School Discipline Policy and procedures, and, if appropriate, liaises with the parents and other agencies as to the conditions for the successful re-entry of a suspended child back into the school community. The committee (and any other involved teacher) reports to staff meetings.

The 'Detention' room is staffed each lunchtime. Detention attendance is a requirement for children who are placed on Levels 1, 2 or above of the School Discipline Code. A roll will be taken for Detention attendances so as to monitor their time carefully. Children will be expected to read or do work during this time. Children may also be required to practise problem solving strategies as a means of improving behaviours.

Fast Track Provision
Some infringements of the School code of Conduct may be serious enough as to require immediate action by the Principal or Deputy Principal who will use their own discretion as to how best to deal with the offenders at this point. this includes swearing and violence towards staff members, misbehaviour towards relieving or religious teachers, vandalism, serious theft, blatant dishonesty, violence against other children, continuous classroom disruption, or inappropriate behaviour on school outings. In due course a report will be made to the Welfare Committee who will determine follow-up action if required.

Mentoring Program
To maintain the positive nature of the program a mentor system will be used for students who reach Level 3. The mentor will not be seen as a threat to the student and maybe a favourite ex-teacher. The student will be required to select a mentor.

Each day during the fortnight, the two would sit and talk about events occurring in the child's life, strategies to deal appropriately with situations, and positive reminders about school rules and expectations.

Such situations may well help children to diffuse pent up frustration and emotions.

Playground Behaviour
In the playground, inappropriate behaviour tends to be of two kinds (I) aggressive/violent behaviour and (ii) other behaviours (eg not wearing a hat or running on cement.) In example (I) where the rights of children to enjoy a safe orderly playground are infringed, those on playground duty should issue a white slip which will see the offender receive the consequences of the Behaviour Management Plan.

In example (ii) teachers on duty should assign an immediate consequence of timeout (sit in covered area or walk with teacher) or other suitable punishment. This type of behaviour should be corrected without resorting to the level tickets of the Behaviour Management Plans unless it is persistent.

The student body will be notified that examples of these annoying behaviours will be targeted by all staff from time to time.

While at Andergrove State School, pupils are eligible to receive the following Awards:

Bully Busting
There is no quick fix for dealing with bullying. Schools have to create an environment of collaboration, tolerance and non-violence. This involves establishing agreed expectations.

To emphasise non - violence we use statements like "Hands Off" to promote positive attitudes. We use catchy slogans like "A fair go for everyone everyday", "It's OK to be yourself, It's OK to do your best".

All have a right to be treated with respect and dignity, to be free from intimidation, put downs and bullying. While all expect these rights, this is balances against a responsibility to see that others are not denied their rights too.

The school needs to celebrate positive behaviours (eg. the Gold Awards). There must be an emphasis on key people operating in teams. These include student leaders, harassment referral officers, mentors, P& C Association, Administrators etc.

All reported cases of harassment will be investigated. Victims of abuse need to be protected from further abuse. There will be follow up and monitoring of cases, and clearly communicated consequences for further abuse.

Students need to be given conflict resolution skills and clear alternatives to bullying.

Serious cases of physical and chronic bullying needs to involve bullies, victims and their families. There needs to be clear support and consequences outlined at conferences of restitution for the school community. This process focuses on the deed and provides an opportunity for problem solving, monitoring and finally restoration for the perpetrators.

Another strategy is to conduct no blame interviews with alleged bullies identified by student surveys or student complaints.

Conflict resolution between bullies and victims, support and protection of victims and monitoring of known bullies all help to reduce the number of incidents.


Levels Of Discipline


You are co-operative.
You respect the rights of others
You try to work to the best of your ability.
You respect the School Code of Conduct.
Some of your teachers are concerned about your behaviour of effort inside and/or outside class
You are not co-operating, you are causing problems in the class and/or around the school
You have broken a school rule.
There has been no improvement in your behaviour or effort
You have not been able to do enough about your problems by yourself
You have violated the Code of Conduct twice in the past 2 weeks
You have failed to respond to Level 2
2 further infringements of the School Code of Conduct have occurred while on Level 2
Your behaviour is unacceptable and has not improved
2 further infringements of the School Code of Conduct have occurred while on Level 3
Your behaviour is totally unacceptable and you have made no effort to improve
Your behaviour is totally unacceptable and you have made no effort to improve


You will be rewarded for:
Class Work
Cooperative Behaviour
Breaking school/class rules
Disrupting leaning of others
Leaving school without permission
Unccoperative behaviour
Rudeness and insolence
Insufficient effort to complete work tasks
Breaching boundaries
Spitting or swearing
running on verandahs
Abuse of property
Playing unsafely
Fighting (one off)
Obscene gestures
Failure to improve Level 1 behaviour
Persistent serious disobedience
Repeatedly causing disruptions in school
Continued poor behaviour
Failure to improve Level 2 behaviour
have continued to ignore the rights of others in the school
Student has ignored any attempts to help
A very serious or dangerous violation of the School code of Conduct
Failure to improve behaviour
Continuing to ignore the rights of others
An extremely serious or very dangerous violation of the School Code of Conduct
Your presence in the school is detrimental to the education and welfare of others


You will develop a good reputation in the school community After 2 weeks on this Level you will return to Level 0
You will be told about the problems you are causing and offered suggestions to correct this
You may be required to undertake 3 days Detention
You could incur an in-class isolation
You may receive an appropriate punishment
Your misdemeanour is recorded on your Pupil Profile Sheet
Parent/s informed through card being taken home to sign
After 2 weeks on this Level you will return to Level 0
You will be referred to the Pupil Welfare Committee who will discuss solutions
Your parent/s will be informed that you have been placed on this level
Your behaviour will be referred to the Guidance Officer
You may be asked to attend sessions with the Guidance Officer
You may be isolated from your class and a place will be made for you elsewhere within the school
You will go to Detention for 5 days
You will not take part in any extra-curricular activities
You may not receive Merit Certificates or School Awards
After 2 weeks on this Level you return to Level 2
Your parents will be summonsed to the school to discuss your behaviour
You will have a 1 week in-school suspension, then 1 week's Detention
Your behaviour will be referred to the Guidance Officer
You may be asked to attend sessions with the Guidance Officer
You continue to be excluded from extra-curricular activities and school representation
You may not receive Merit Certificates or School Awards
After 2 weeks on this Level you return to Level 2
You have been suspended from the school
Before you return to school your parents will be contacted by the Principal
You and your parents will attend a meeting with the Principal.
At this meeting a Behaviour Management Plan will be negotiated
You may not receive Merit Certificates of School Awards
On return to school, you will have 5 days in-school suspension (less the days of actual suspension)
You will then return to Level 2 and commence the 5 days DETENTION and other Level 2 conditions
You may be expelled from Andergove and not permitted to return


All staff Class Teacher
Duty Teacher of Playground
Class Teacher
Pupil Welfare Committee
Class Teacher, Pupil Welfare Committee, Guidance Officer,Parent Principal, Pupil Welfare Committee, Parent Principal, Minister of Education