The Reverend Doctor Peter Mullen (BA, PhD)
(February 2008)

Dr Peter Mullen

Has been a priest for 36 years in town, country and, since 1998, at St. Michael's, Cornhill and St. Sepulchre-without-Newgate, in the City of London. He has published some forty books, including three novels and many works of philosophy, theology and literary and social criticism. He has also written around 6,000 newspaper articles for the national British and foreign press. His most recent books are Holy Smoke (short stories), Everyday Thoughts (philosophy) and One Minute Sermons. He has written for various organisations, including the Social Affairs Unit and often has letters published in national newspapers. He is Honorary Chaplain to The Freedom Association, for which he has written The Twilight of our Institutions. He is much sought after as a speaker.